Complete Barista Course
Barista Academy created a training program for beginners but also for those who work in the coffee sector but haven’t set the basic principles to their routine.

Complete Barista Course
Barista Academy created a training program for beginners but also for those who work in the coffee sector but haven’t set the basic principles to their routine.
Get ready to learn with experts and upgrade your coffee knowledge!
Barista Academy created a training program for beginners but also for those who work in the coffee sector but haven’t set the basic principles to their routine.
Many times, we blame it to the coffee quality or to the “weather”, but do we really know what we do and why we do it. What is the theory behind the machinery we use and what really influence the quality of the beverages we serve?
Barista training course in 8 sessions covers all the details from seed to cup, including:
1st session
- Coffee fruit
- Process: The most important factor
- Roasting and how it affects the cup quality
- Storage
2nd session
- Coffee evolution: From the first served coffee up today
- Different methods and equipment we use
- The era of espresso and how it evolved
- The first coffee machine and the development up today
- What is instant coffee and how it is produced
3rd session
- Preparation of the coffee station
- What we check in the machinery
- How we adjust the grinding size
- Evaluate the extraction
- Cleaning procedure during the day
4th session
- Tools and utensils
- Ibrik coffee: parameters that influence the quality
Techniques and different methods
- Instant coffee: The correlation with the egg yolk!
How we use the steam wand for instant coffee
- Frappé: When and how it got invented
Preparation techniques
- Dalgona: How it got the name
Preparation technique
5th session
- Filter coffee: Basic principles
A historical review of its evolution
Methods that marked this evolution
Preparation techniques
6th session
- Espresso: Basic principles
Analysis of the 10 critical steps of the procedure and
how they influence the final result
How we evaluate the extraction
Espresso based recipes
7th session
- Cappuccino: How it got the name?
Steaming the milk
Alternative methods for practice
Serving techniques
Cappuccino recipes
8th session
- Tea: Basic principles
- Chocolate: Preparation techniques for cold and hot version
- Smoothie: The story behind that beverage
Smoothie recipes
- Cocktails: History and recipes of the classic coffee cocktails
- Cleaning: Detailed analysis of how we use special detergents
If you are an experienced Barista and you have the skills in some of the sectors you can choose one or more of the 8 sessions individually according to your preference and needs.
When you register in the course, you will receive the codes and the link to the platform you are going to use for two weeks.
You can view the course from any device, but we suggest using a bigger screen than your mobile phone. The videos are available 24 hours, and you can watch them on-demand at your convenience.
At the end of each session there is a series of questions that you will have to answer correctly to “unlock” the next session. In case of mistake the system will indicate in which chapter of the video you have to review to give the correct answer.
At the end of the session, you can print your certificate
There is a FAQ’s page at the end of the Home page but if you still have more questions feel free to send us an email
COMPLETE BARISTA COURSE is taught by Panagiotis Nikas.
A very warm welcome to you all – get ready to learn and upgrade your home coffee practise. We hope you enjoy your time with Barista Academy Network!

Panagiotis Nikas
Panagiotis Nikas holds a Coffee Diploma from Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and is an authorized SCA trainer for Barista Skills Module.
He has been working in the coffee sector since 1987, when coffee was not the major beverage in the market. He had the opportunity to participate in the evolution of coffee and witness the change in people’s preference in his coffee shops that operated for 22 years.
This gave him a vast knowledge to be able to work as a coffee consultant, a profession that led him to start the Barista Academy.
In 2016 he created the most properly structured training facilities in Athens providing an individual coffee station for each of the participants.
He published 4 books:
- The handbook of Home Barista (only in Greek)
- On a coffee trip in Ethiopia (bilingual Greek and English)
- On a coffee trip in Costa Rica (translated in English)
- On a coffee trip in Brazil
and he is working in one more book.

1/What is Coffee
The first BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
3 days/ €10

1/What is Coffee
The first BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The first BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The first session includes:
- What is coffee and how is the structure of the fruit
- Parameters that influence its quality
- The information should be printed outside the bag
- Process: The most important factor
- Roasting: Why a Barista should know about the procedure?
- Storage: How important it is and which parameters age coffee
- Quality Vs Variety: Which factor is more important?
When you register in the course, you will receive the codes and the link to enter the platform you are going to use for 3 days.
You can view the course from any device, but we suggest using a bigger screen than your mobile phone. The video is available 24 hours, and you can watch it on-demand at your convenience.
At the end of the session there is a series of questions that you will have to answer correctly to evaluate your understanding. In case of mistake the system will indicate in which chapter of the video you have to review to give the correct answer.
There is a FAQ’s page at the end of the Home page but if you still have more questions feel free to send us an email
The curriculum and preparation techniques were created by Panagiotis Nikas, Coffee Instructor and book author.
Panagiotis Nikas
Panagiotis Nikas holds a Coffee Diploma from Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and is an authorized SCA trainer for Barista Skills Module.
He has been working in the coffee sector since 1987, when coffee was not the major beverage in the market. He had the opportunity to participate in the evolution of coffee and witness the change in people’s preference in his coffee shops that operated for 22 years.
This gave him a vast knowledge to be able to work as a coffee consultant, a profession that led him to start the Barista Academy.
In 2016 he created the most properly structured training facilities in Athens providing an individual coffee station for each of the participants.
He published 4 books:
- The handbook of Home Barista (only in Greek)
- On a coffee trip in Ethiopia (bilingual Greek and English)
- On a coffee trip in Costa Rica (translated in English)
- On a coffee trip in Brazil
and he is working in one more book.

2/Coffee Evolution
The second BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
3 days/ €10

2/Coffee Evolution
The second BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The second BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The second session includes:
- The historical evolution of coffee from the first serving up today
- Different methods and equipment
- The era of espresso and how it evolved
- The first coffee machine and the development up today
- Instant coffee: What it is and how it is produced
When you register in the course, you will receive the codes and the link to enter the platform you are going to use for 3 days.
You can view the course from any device, but we suggest using a bigger screen than your mobile phone. The video is available 24 hours, and you can watch it on-demand at your convenience.
At the end of the session there is a series of questions that you will have to answer correctly to evaluate your understanding. In case of mistake the system will indicate in which chapter of the video you have to review to give the correct answer.
There is a FAQ’s page at the end of the Home page but if you still have more questions feel free to send us an email
The curriculum and preparation techniques were created by Panagiotis Nikas, Coffee Instructor and book author.
Panagiotis Nikas
Panagiotis Nikas holds a Coffee Diploma from Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and is an authorized SCA trainer for Barista Skills Module.
He has been working in the coffee sector since 1987, when coffee was not the major beverage in the market. He had the opportunity to participate in the evolution of coffee and witness the change in people’s preference in his coffee shops that operated for 22 years.
This gave him a vast knowledge to be able to work as a coffee consultant, a profession that led him to start the Barista Academy.
In 2016 he created the most properly structured training facilities in Athens providing an individual coffee station for each of the participants.
He published 4 books:
- The handbook of Home Barista (only in Greek)
- On a coffee trip in Ethiopia (bilingual Greek and English)
- On a coffee trip in Costa Rica (translated in English)
- On a coffee trip in Brazil
and he is working in one more book.

3/Preparation of the Coffee Station
The third BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
3 days/ free

3/Preparation of the Coffee Station
The third BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The third BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The third session includes:
- What we check in the machinery
- How we initiate the machine
- How we adjust the grinding size
- Evaluate the extraction
- Why we get bitter flavors?
- Cleaning procedure during the day
When you register in the course, you will receive the codes and the link to enter the platform you are going to use for 3 days.
You can view the course from any device, but we suggest using a bigger screen than your mobile phone. The video is available 24 hours, and you can watch it on-demand at your convenience.
At the end of the session there is a series of questions that you will have to answer correctly to evaluate your understanding. In case of mistake the system will indicate in which chapter of the video you have to review to give the correct answer.
There is a FAQ’s page at the end of the Home page but if you still have more questions feel free to send us an email
The curriculum and preparation techniques were created by Panagiotis Nikas, Coffee Instructor and book author.
Panagiotis Nikas
Panagiotis Nikas holds a Coffee Diploma from Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and is an authorized SCA trainer for Barista Skills Module.
He has been working in the coffee sector since 1987, when coffee was not the major beverage in the market. He had the opportunity to participate in the evolution of coffee and witness the change in people’s preference in his coffee shops that operated for 22 years.
This gave him a vast knowledge to be able to work as a coffee consultant, a profession that led him to start the Barista Academy.
In 2016 he created the most properly structured training facilities in Athens providing an individual coffee station for each of the participants.
He published 4 books:
- The handbook of Home Barista (only in Greek)
- On a coffee trip in Ethiopia (bilingual Greek and English)
- On a coffee trip in Costa Rica (translated in English)
- On a coffee trip in Brazil
and he is working in one more book.

4/Making Classic Coffees
The fourth BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
3 days/ €20

4/Making Classic Coffees
The fourth BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The fourth BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The fourth session includes:
- Tools and utensils for the coffee station
- Ibrik coffee: Parameters that influence the quality
Techniques and different methods
- Instant coffee: The correlation with the egg yolk!
Velvety cream with the use of the steam wand
- Frappé: When and how it got invented
Preparation techniques & Possible mistakes
- Dalgona: How it got the name
What is the recipe
What is the correlation with frappé?
When you register in the course, you will receive the codes and the link to enter the platform you are going to use for 3 days.
You can view the course from any device, but we suggest using a bigger screen than your mobile phone. The video is available 24 hours, and you can watch it on-demand at your convenience.
At the end of the session there is a series of questions that you will have to answer correctly to evaluate your understanding. In case of mistake the system will indicate in which chapter of the video you have to review to give the correct answer.
There is a FAQ’s page at the end of the Home page but if you still have more questions feel free to send us an email
The curriculum and preparation techniques were created by Panagiotis Nikas, Coffee Instructor and book author.
Panagiotis Nikas
Panagiotis Nikas holds a Coffee Diploma from Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and is an authorized SCA trainer for Barista Skills Module.
He has been working in the coffee sector since 1987, when coffee was not the major beverage in the market. He had the opportunity to participate in the evolution of coffee and witness the change in people’s preference in his coffee shops that operated for 22 years.
This gave him a vast knowledge to be able to work as a coffee consultant, a profession that led him to start the Barista Academy.
In 2016 he created the most properly structured training facilities in Athens providing an individual coffee station for each of the participants.
He published 4 books:
- The handbook of Home Barista (only in Greek)
- On a coffee trip in Ethiopia (bilingual Greek and English)
- On a coffee trip in Costa Rica (translated in English)
- On a coffee trip in Brazil
and he is working in one more book.

5/Brew and Other Methods
The fifth BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
3 days/ €30

5/Brew and Other Methods
The fifth BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The fifth BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The fifth session includes:
- Basic principles
- From Immersion to Percolation:
an historical review of filter coffee evolution
- Methods that marked this evolution
Siphon and Balancing Siphon
Melitta’s filter, a new era
Cold brew
When you register in the course, you will receive the codes and the link to enter the platform you are going to use for 3 days.
You can view the course from any device, but we suggest using a bigger screen than your mobile phone. The video is available 24 hours, and you can watch it on-demand at your convenience.
At the end of the session there is a series of questions that you will have to answer correctly to evaluate your understanding. In case of mistake the system will indicate in which chapter of the video you have to review to give the correct answer.
There is a FAQ’s page at the end of the Home page but if you still have more questions feel free to send us an email
The curriculum and preparation techniques were created by Panagiotis Nikas, Coffee Instructor and book author.
Panagiotis Nikas
Panagiotis Nikas holds a Coffee Diploma from Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and is an authorized SCA trainer for Barista Skills Module.
He has been working in the coffee sector since 1987, when coffee was not the major beverage in the market. He had the opportunity to participate in the evolution of coffee and witness the change in people’s preference in his coffee shops that operated for 22 years.
This gave him a vast knowledge to be able to work as a coffee consultant, a profession that led him to start the Barista Academy.
In 2016 he created the most properly structured training facilities in Athens providing an individual coffee station for each of the participants.
He published 4 books:
- The handbook of Home Barista (only in Greek)
- On a coffee trip in Ethiopia (bilingual Greek and English)
- On a coffee trip in Costa Rica (translated in English)
- On a coffee trip in Brazil
and he is working in one more book.

The sixth BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
3 days/ €40

The sixth BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The sixth BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The sixth session includes:
- Basic principles and the 10 critical steps that influence the result
- The ideal extraction
- Evaluate and cope: Fast extraction
Slow extraction
Uneven extraction
- Espresso recipes
When you register in the course, you will receive the codes and the link to enter the platform you are going to use for 3 days.
You can view the course from any device, but we suggest using a bigger screen than your mobile phone. The video is available 24 hours, and you can watch it on-demand at your convenience.
At the end of the session there is a series of questions that you will have to answer correctly to evaluate your understanding. In case of mistake the system will indicate in which chapter of the video you have to review to give the correct answer.
There is a FAQ’s page at the end of the Home page but if you still have more questions feel free to send us an email
The curriculum and preparation techniques were created by Panagiotis Nikas, Coffee Instructor and book author.
Panagiotis Nikas
Panagiotis Nikas holds a Coffee Diploma from Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and is an authorized SCA trainer for Barista Skills Module.
He has been working in the coffee sector since 1987, when coffee was not the major beverage in the market. He had the opportunity to participate in the evolution of coffee and witness the change in people’s preference in his coffee shops that operated for 22 years.
This gave him a vast knowledge to be able to work as a coffee consultant, a profession that led him to start the Barista Academy.
In 2016 he created the most properly structured training facilities in Athens providing an individual coffee station for each of the participants.
He published 4 books:
- The handbook of Home Barista (only in Greek)
- On a coffee trip in Ethiopia (bilingual Greek and English)
- On a coffee trip in Costa Rica (translated in English)
- On a coffee trip in Brazil
and he is working in one more book.

7/Cappucino & Freddo's
The seventh BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
3 days/ €40

7/Cappucino & Freddo's
The seventh BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The seventh BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The seventh session includes:
- Cppuccino: Cup sizes and the correct ratio
Steaming the milk (use of alternative methods)
Serving techniques
Cappuccino recipes
- Freddo: Tips for the perfect texture of the cold milk
Freddo recipes
When you register in the course, you will receive the codes and the link to enter the platform you are going to use for 3 days.
You can view the course from any device, but we suggest using a bigger screen than your mobile phone. The video is available 24 hours, and you can watch it on-demand at your convenience.
At the end of the session there is a series of questions that you will have to answer correctly to evaluate your understanding. In case of mistake the system will indicate in which chapter of the video you have to review to give the correct answer.
There is a FAQ’s page at the end of the Home page but if you still have more questions feel free to send us an email
The curriculum and preparation techniques were created by Panagiotis Nikas, Coffee Instructor and book author.
Panagiotis Nikas
Panagiotis Nikas holds a Coffee Diploma from Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and is an authorized SCA trainer for Barista Skills Module.
He has been working in the coffee sector since 1987, when coffee was not the major beverage in the market. He had the opportunity to participate in the evolution of coffee and witness the change in people’s preference in his coffee shops that operated for 22 years.
This gave him a vast knowledge to be able to work as a coffee consultant, a profession that led him to start the Barista Academy.
In 2016 he created the most properly structured training facilities in Athens providing an individual coffee station for each of the participants.
He published 4 books:
- The handbook of Home Barista (only in Greek)
- On a coffee trip in Ethiopia (bilingual Greek and English)
- On a coffee trip in Costa Rica (translated in English)
- On a coffee trip in Brazil
and he is working in one more book.

8/Beverages and Coffee Cocktails
The eight BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
3 days/ €30

8/Beverages and Coffee Cocktails
The eight BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The eight BARISTA TRAINING WEBINAR session can be selected and watched individually if you feel you are missing the information presented.
The eight session includes:
- Tea: Basic principles
- Iced Tea: Beyond the standards
- Chocolate drink: Hot version technique
Cold version technique & Mochaccino
- Smoothie: The story and the origin
Smoothie recipes
- Coffee cocktails: The history and the recipe of the most classic
coffee cocktails
- Cleaning Procedures with special detergents
When you register in the course, you will receive the codes and the link to enter the platform you are going to use for 3 days.
You can view the course from any device, but we suggest using a bigger screen than your mobile phone. The video is available 24 hours, and you can watch it on-demand at your convenience.
At the end of the session there is a series of questions that you will have to answer correctly to evaluate your understanding. In case of mistake the system will indicate in which chapter of the video you have to review to give the correct answer.
There is a FAQ’s page at the end of the Home page but if you still have more questions feel free to send us an email
The curriculum and preparation techniques were created by Panagiotis Nikas, Coffee Instructor and book author.
Panagiotis Nikas
Panagiotis Nikas holds a Coffee Diploma from Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) and is an authorized SCA trainer for Barista Skills Module.
He has been working in the coffee sector since 1987, when coffee was not the major beverage in the market. He had the opportunity to participate in the evolution of coffee and witness the change in people’s preference in his coffee shops that operated for 22 years.
This gave him a vast knowledge to be able to work as a coffee consultant, a profession that led him to start the Barista Academy.
In 2016 he created the most properly structured training facilities in Athens providing an individual coffee station for each of the participants.
He published 4 books:
- The handbook of Home Barista (only in Greek)
- On a coffee trip in Ethiopia (bilingual Greek and English)
- On a coffee trip in Costa Rica (translated in English)
- On a coffee trip in Brazil
and he is working in one more book.