Frequently asked questions
If you have no previous experience, you will not feel safe to use the theoretical knowledge you will get from the Seminar. That is why we propose to continue a practice course of 3 days.
We are in a process to expand the collaboration we have so far, and we will keep updating our page for that. You can find the branches in the footer of our main page.
Experience doesn’t guarantee that what you do is correct. Many times, someone start something wrong and the rest follow because there is no contradictory. The faster you set the base principles the better it is because if you get used in the wrong technique is more difficult to change. Old pros used to skim off the milk with a spoon after the process instead of changing their technique!
Knowledge has a value on its own. Getting to know all the details from seed to cup will help you as a consumer too. You will start understanding the procedure and you can ask a café close to your house to let you practice in their free time. Most of the techniques we present can be executed with home devices.
There are many baristas that has a lack of certain knowledge and probably they will not have the time to participate at the full course. In that way we give them the opportunity to fulfill this lack of knowledge and any time they can choose the full course. Besides that, there are many coffee lovers that they just want to learn information about the quality of coffee and not the practical part with recipes and how to. For sure attending the full course can give more spherical opinion but we respect the financial difficulties of the period and we wanted to offer the ability to participate at your convenience.
We monitor the progress of each participant and in case of inability to complete, we provide an extension of the program.